
Know More About Extended Furlough Scheme Guidance

Know More About Extended Furlough Scheme Guidance

In our previous article, we talked about the highlights and the changes in the furlough scheme. This article will talk more about the eligibility and deadlines of this scheme.


This extended scheme is available for all employers irrespective of their claim status under the CJRS as regards to employees who have not been furloughed before. The employee should be on the employer’s PAYE payroll on 30 October 2020 to be eligible for this scheme.

For employees who were on the employer’s payroll on 23 September 2020, a PAYE RTI for whom was made between 20 March and 30 October 2020, can be employed again and furloughed if they stopped working or made redundant after 23 September.

However, it should be noted that employers have no obligation to hire such employees again.

Besides, an employer can claim for employees who have transferred to them due to PAYE or TUPE business succession rules, given that they transferred on or after September 2020 and were hired again by a new or old employer on 30 October 2020.

For employees on contracts, if their fixed-term contract is not expired, it can be renewed or extended.

Apprentices can be furloughed in the same fashion as other employees. However, they must be paid according to the National Minimum Wage for the time they spent in training.

If an employee was working for more than one job, they might be fired from one job and receive a furloughed payment. They can continue to work for another company and receive their regular wages.

For employees on maternity leave who wish to leave early, they will need to notice eight weeks prior, and the employer won’t be able to fire them until the end of eight weeks. If the employee is on maternity allowance, they won’t be eligible for furlough pay at the same time.

According to the update regarding the clinically vulnerable employees, they should be advised to work from home during the lockdown. People who cannot work from home are advised not to go to work. Employees who are at the highest risk of severe illness or extremely vulnerable can be furloughed.

Employers can decide if they want or don’t want to furlough them for employees who are on sick leave or are self-isolating.

If the employee is unwell while furloughed, the employer can decide whether to keep them on furlough or move them to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) or at their furloughed rate.


The deadline for furloughed employees up to 31 October is 30 November. While the deadline for employees furloughed under the extended scheme for periods starting on or after 1 Novembers is 14 December.